call for entries
submission deadline:
friday, december 3, 2004
friday, december 10, 2004
9:00 pm, south farms
(1st street south, west on gerty, north on griffith, 2nd building on the right)
hideous beast invites you to create an image for the next hideous beast poster!
submissions must work with the template provided in this post.
images must be black and white and may be submitted in any file format or as a hard copy. place entries in the box labeled "hideous beast" in the art and design mailroom or email to or mail to
210 W. Illinois, Urbana, IL 61801
submission cost is $1.00
all entries will be printed in black and white and displayed in the exhibition. the winning entry, to be chosen by hideous beast, will be made into a limited run silk-screened poster of which the winner will receive 10 copies.